




我的工作: 我目前正在帮助赌博十大靠谱软件的内部人员组织企业范围内的计划和政策决定,这些决定会影响到35家公司,它的员工人数已经增长到1000多人. 很难准确地指出我所做的一件事,因为我能够通过不同程度的分析方法进行涉及整个人才生命周期的研究, and working and learning alongside some of the smartest people in the process.

我喜欢SPU的地方: 这真的是一个全面的项目,帮助我建立了坚实的I- o基础,并给了我从第一天开始在第一份工作中产生影响所需的工具. 教师! 每个人都把他们的专业知识带到课堂上,很明显你在向那些知道自己在做什么的人学习. Dr. 约斯特的动机课程和博士. Kendall’s Program Evaluation course were both exciting and terrifying at the same time.

毕业后的第一份工作: 我在Ergometrics公司做报告分析师, 一个选拔评估组织,为初级和有经验的公共安全人员(例如公共安全人员)制定和实施评估.g.、消防员、警察等).

对未来学生的建议: 我坚信,我喜欢我的工作并能够在这个领域工作的主要原因之一是因为我是否喜欢这个项目, 团队, 或者我当时所扮演的角色, 当我回顾那段经历时, I know I took something away from it that may not have been fully apparent at the time.




我的工作: My work supports organizations that are navigating complex transitions or changes, 我的专业领域是帮助这些组织在整个过程中理解和利用复杂的数据.

我喜欢SPU的地方: 我最喜欢SPU I- o项目的一点是教授们的社区意识和个人投入. Through the program, I made lifelong friends who I stay in touch with often. 我也知道,如果没有他们的支持和教职员工的投入,我不可能取得今天的成就.

毕业后的第一份工作: My first role out of SPU was as a consultant at a small firm based out of 西雅图 called ORS Impact. 赌博十大靠谱软件帮助慈善和其他非营利组织进行组织评估,并根据社会影响评估他们的表现.

对未来学生的建议: 不要害怕犯错误. 读研究生很难——非常难, 非常困难——你会被推到舒适区的边缘,无论是因为大量的工作,还是因为被要求质疑你认为自己知道的东西. In either case, trust in the slow process of learning through that discomfort.



Sr. project manager and interim manager in IT, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

我的工作: I manage cross-functional IT projects and manage a 团队 of six other project managers.

我喜欢SPU的地方: I liked the cohort model and the small size of my classes. I really enjoyed the balance of academia and practical application of the work during the program.

毕业后的第一份工作: My first role was as a consultant for a small local startup consulting firm. I worked on projects for organizations in the 西雅图 area, 主要从事项目管理工作, 组织发展, 改变管理.

对未来学生的建议: 人脉,人脉,还是人脉! 在我第一个季度的项目中, Dr. 约斯特 told all of us that we should start networking far and wide, and I was super intimidated. 直到我进入这个项目一年后,我才真正开始建立人际关系网,开始真正考虑找工作. 你应该尽快开始建立人际关系.



Learning designer and facilitator, The Google School for Leaders

我的工作: 我特别关注通过程序性和非程序性经验在全球范围内培养跨职能高级领导者.

我喜欢SPU的地方: 当我回想起我在SPU的I- o项目时, I really appreciated the sense of community I had with both faculty and students. I was rigorously challenged not only as an academic but also as a practitioner, and that rigor has thoroughly prepared me to continue evolving and growing as an I-O psychologist, 但作为人类更是如此.

毕业后的第一份工作: 我离开SPU后的第一个角色是从特斯拉的区域运营业务角色过渡到特斯拉全球领导力和人才发展团队的全球领导力发展合作伙伴. 我的重点是领导力发展战略, 包括内容开发, 项目评估, 便利化, 并指导工程师, 制造业, 生产函数.

对未来学生的建议: 不要试图让程序变得“简单”.“以更具挑战性的项目为例, 投资于严谨, and embrace all the diversity of thought you can in your SPU learning environment. 这只会让你更好地成为一个不断发展和成长的科学实践者,为赌博十大靠谱软件不断变化的劳动力和世界服务.


水木浅野, MA

Sr. 人力资源经理 & 分析,激流回旋咨询

我的工作: 我是People Insights的负责人 & 分析计划,以支持组织人员战略的可持续性和可扩展性. 我负责人员数据和分析的战略和发展,以及进行组织研究以了解员工体验.

我喜欢SPU的地方: 我从I- o的角度学习了组织和人类行为的关键基础知识. 另外, I am grateful for gaining many colleagues from the program and becoming part of the I-O community.

毕业后的第一份工作: Organizational development analyst at Nintendo of America. 我的职责包括, 跟踪, and analyzing metrics to measure organizational effectiveness solutions. As well as leading organizational initiatives such as talent management, 领导力发展, 员工敬业度.

对未来学生的建议: 探索你的机会! Our skills and training can add value to the organization in so many ways.



Workforce planning, diversity, and inclusion consultant, 西雅图 Children’s Hospital

我的工作: 在这个新的角色中,我正在帮助重塑和设计支持赌博十大靠谱软件内部团队成员发展的系统, as well as build new and strengthen existing pipelines into the organization.

我喜欢SPU的地方: 我非常喜欢我参加的项目评估和学习系统以及在职发展课程. At the time they helped me gain clarity on what exactly I hoped to do after graduation; and after that they proved useful in my day-to-day work. 我非常感谢我与同学们建立的联系,以及为愿意接受信息采访邀请的SPU I- o建立的良好网络, 思想交流, 和meet-n-greets.

毕业后的第一份工作: I accepted a supervisor role at 西雅图 Children’s in nursing administration. 在这个角色中, I had the opportunity to lead a group of program coordinators and other administrative professionals. Our 团队’s work supported the housewide nursing programs and services, 如护理专业发展, 护理质量, 护理信息学, 和更多的.

对未来学生的建议: 当你去找工作的时候, be open to experiences — and don’t get hung up on titles or trendy office perks. 找一个支持你的领导, 给你闪耀的机会, 一路支持你. Seek out 团队s that are inclusive, dynamic, and dedicated not only to the work, but to one another.




我的工作: 在我目前的职位上,我为赌博十大靠谱软件的中央人才管理组织设计和领导全球计划. 赌博十大靠谱软件通过研究和分析来提出想法,并与亚马逊人力资源高级副总裁和其他高管进行对话,讨论如何改进现有的人才计划,或发明新的人才计划,以满足赌博十大靠谱软件多样化员工群体不断变化的需求.

我喜欢SPU的地方: SPU’s I-O program not only taught me the skills I needed to be successful, 还包括如何在业务环境中应用它们. I really appreciated the emphasis on practical application coupled with scientific rigor.

毕业后的第一份工作: In my first role out of SPU, I was an HR analytics leader for a Fortune 500 company. 我的职责是通过领导预测分析项目来推动战略决策,并使用数据驱动的方法为人才管理计划提供咨询. 我直接与高级人力资源领导合作,解决关键的业务问题,并提供有关绩效的见解, 营业额, 员工的态度, 以及学习和发展项目的成果.

对未来学生的建议: Be open to new opportunities and don’t pass up a chance for an informational interview. I didn’t discover my love for HR analytics until I tried it!




我的工作: In this role, I act as the subject matter expert for our workforce planning tools and processes. 我与赌博十大靠谱软件的人力资源主管和人力资源分析团队合作,确保对人才和工资相关决策的正确数据的可见性.

我喜欢SPU的地方: 我喜欢对自我意识的关注! While there was a strong emphasis on learning I-O domain content, 理解你为什么认为/相信某事, 或者为什么你同意/不同意是非常重要的. 我经常问自己“为了什么”?在面对重要问题时. 我不可能从其他I- o项目中得到这样的结果.

毕业后的第一份工作: 当我参加这个项目的时候,我被聘为波音公司的工业工程经理. As such, I was responsible for the growth and development of my employees. 向, 和他一起工作, program executives and ensuring production plans supported the program schedule.

对未来学生的建议: Be creative when it comes to your career; there is no “normal” path. Be willing to be vulnerable with those who love and support you. Get and keep a job during your time in the program; this will provide you the opportunity to test the I-O theories and think critically about how I-O content shows up in the workplace.




我的工作: I manage a 团队 of HR business partners who support the product marketing leaders. My 团队 is responsible for designing and implementing HR strategies in alignment with the business. 这些策略包括领导力发展, 领导团队效能, 组织诊断, 以及建设多元包容的文化.

我喜欢SPU的地方: I love the pragmatism of the program combined with theory and research. 教授们都有实际经验, and you can see how the research can be applied in a broad variety of roles.

毕业后的第一份工作: 我在学校的时候是一名招聘人员, 但在完成硕士课程之后, I was able to move into a HR business partner role even though I had no experience in that space. The program gave me a great foundation for an HR business partner role. 在担任这个角色的六个月内, 我当时正在进行一项大型收购, 做好人才管理, 培训高级领导. 所有的话题都是我通过这个项目学到的!

对未来学生的建议: 与同学和其他校友保持联系. It’s been 10 years and the relationships I built through the program have been invaluable!




我的工作: 在诺德斯特姆, 我领导着一支很棒的团队,他们正在重新构想未来55岁左右的人才获取方式,每年5000个职位.

我喜欢SPU的地方: The scientist-practitioner model the program is based on means that what we learned, 赌博十大靠谱软件有机会申请. I walked out of the program with valuable skills that allowed me to research, 形成自己的观点, 制定强有力的计划.

毕业后的第一份工作: I was an HR coordinator at Starbucks, supporting Global HR Shared Services. 这个角色主要是行政性的, 但幸运的是,我有一个愿意给我一次机会的老板,他让我促进一些团队干预,为我带来了未来的机会.

对未来学生的建议: Be intentional about the mentors or “board of advisors” you set up for yourself. Develop relationships, even when it feels uncomfortable. 不要害怕在你的头衔之外做出贡献——凭借你在项目中学到的知识和你将其付诸实践的能力,你将带来巨大的价值!