


Assistant Professor of International Sustainable Development

电子邮件: qshah@ysdtmtaovip.com
电话: 206-281-2651
办公室: 麦肯纳大厅214

教育: BA, Balkh University (阿富汗), 2012; LLM, University of Washington, 2014; PhD, University of Washington, 2019. 从2020年开始在SPU工作.

Dr. 穆罕默德·卡达姆·沙 was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Governance and Markets at the University of Pittsburgh before joining SPU’s School of Business, 政府, and 经济学 in the fall of 2020. 他获得了博士学位。.D. (with distinction) from the University of Washington where he concentrated on International Development and Public 政策 Management. He completed his LLM in Asian and Comparative Law at the University of Washington. Before pursuing his graduate studies in the US, Qadam Shah lived in 阿富汗 where he earned his BA in legal studies.

Dr. Qadam Shah’s research and publications focus on the political economy of state building, 开发管理, anti-corruption reforms, as well as policy analysis and program evaluation in states affected by conflict. He is currently investigating the political economy of budget allocation, the effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts, and public finance reforms in 阿富汗. He is also working on a book (in collaboration with Jennifer Murtazashvili) on the consequences of centralized, Soviet-influenced governance institutions on conflict and state building in 阿富汗 as well as Yemen, 索马里, 叙利亚, 和伊拉克.

Dr. Qadam Shah has previously served as Assistant Professor at the School of Law and Political 科学 at Balkh University, 阿富汗. He has taught courses on Comparative Constitutional Law, 地方治理, and Development and Modernization. He has extensive experience and knowledge of the Afghan legal and political system and has worked with a host of international aid organizations.


“Defund 阿富汗” (with Jennifer Murtazashvili) The Bridge, July 2020.

“Political Reform Urgently Needed in 阿富汗: Without Reform of its Centralized Political System, 阿富汗 Will Remain Mired in Factionalism and Civil Conflict.” (With Jennifer Murtazashvili) The Diplomat, February 2020.

“The Durability of Constitutional Solutions to Religious Conflicts in Divided Societies: Lessons from the Constitutional 历史 of 阿富汗.” (with Shamshad Pasarlay), Chicago-Kent J. International Comparative Law 18: 1-50, 2018.

“Reforming the Afghan Electoral System: The Current Debate and its Implications for the Plans to Amend the Afghan Constitutions.” International Journal of Constitutional Law Blog, (with Clark Lombardi and Shamshad Pasarlay), 2015.